This essay deals with a positive character from the book by Jules Verne. Jules Verne created many positive personages. They are ready for a feat or sacrifice, they are distinguished by strength, courage, fearlessness and generosity. But all of them are completely different and unique.

I consider Dick Send («The Fifteen-year-Old Captain») to be a positive character. Dick Sand grew up in an orphanage. The boy was smart, at the age of four he could already read, write and count. At the age of eight, he went as a cabin boy on a ship, where he proved himself so well that Captain Hull introduced him to the owner of the ship, Weldon, and he sent the guy to school.

At the age of fifteen, Dick stepped onto the deck of one of Weldon's best ships, the Pilgrim, as a novice sailor. An accident happened: the captain died during the trip. Dick took full responsibility for the lives of the crew and passengers. He had to survive the shipwreck, the cruel deception of Negoro, and a terrible journey through the African jungles and swamps. But he didn't take care of himself, worrying about the fate of Mrs. Weldon, little Jack and his other friends.

 Savvy, endurance, courage and responsibility, and good friends of course helped Dick to save himself and others. That's why I believe him to be a great person and a positive character.

 Рудомёткина Елизавета Алексеевна, ученица 9 Б класса МАОУ СОШ №12 имени маршала Советского Союза К.К. Рокоссовского г. Великие Луки Псковской области 

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