Essay by Anastasia Zueva

Charles Perrault was a French author known for his contributions to the literary world of fairy tales. His works, including my favorite "Little Thumb", are widely popular and have been translated into numerous languages. "Little Thumb" is a story about a young boy who uses his cleverness and nimble mind to trick a group of thieves and return safely home with his siblings. This fairy tale is not only entertaining but also has several valuable lessons that both children and adults can learn from.

The story begins with Little Thumb and his six brothers who are left to themselves when their parents are having difficult times. Going through a series of failures, Little Thumb finds himself kidnapped by a hungry ogre who plans to eat him and his brothers. However, Little Thumb's quick thinking and clever tricks help him to fool the ogre and lead his brothers to safety.

One of the main themes of "Little Thumb" is the importance of cleverness. The story shows that even the smallest and seemingly weakest individuals can overcome great challenges if they use their skills. This is a valuable lesson for children who may feel powerless in certain situations and need to learn how to use their cleverness to solve problems.

Another important lesson from "Little Thumb" is the value of family and the importance of looking out for each other. The main character, despite his small size, shows a great deal of bravery in his efforts to protect his siblings, which can inspire children and adults to value their own family.

Moreover, the fairy tale is also an entertaining read that captures the imagination of readers of all ages. The story is filled with different amazing descriptions of characters and events, and the narrative is entertaining and easy to follow.

In conclusion, Charles Perrault's "Little Thumb"is a wonderful fairy tale that has entertained and educated readers for centuries. It's interesting storyline, memorable characters, and valuable lessons make it an enjoyable read for both children and adults and leaves a lasting impression on anyone who reads.