Знаете ли вы ключевые аспекты жизни и творчества А. Венецианова? (Тест)

Предлагаем вам пройти экспресс – тест на знание ключевых моментов творчества и биографии великого русского художника Алексея Гавриловича Венецианова – родоначальника русской бытовой жанровой живописи. Тест можно пройти по ссылке



О художнике

AutiportraitTalents flourish when they are led along the ways for which they are destined by Nature. A. Venetsianov

A native of Moscow, born 7th February 1789, Venetsianov was a man of modest means. He was compelled to enter government service, first as a draughtsman, later as a land surveyor. However, as early as 1802 Venetsianov started work as a painter, placing an advertisement for artistic commissions in a newspaper. It was about this time that he moved to St. Petersburg, a city with which his future career was to be closely associated.
