Picture 7

Искусство - Музеи художественные - Живопись - Изобразительное искусство

The Art Gallery of Armenia. - Leningrad : Aurora, 1975. - 376 с. - 16-20. ИНО 18087F

A 81

The Art Gallery of Armenia is one of the richest museums of Europe and Asia. Its extensive collection of Armenian, Russian and Western European art numbers over 19,000 items. It was in 1921 when the Museum of Armenia was founded. In those days it incorporated four departments: archaeological, ethnographical, art and history. The foundation of the art department turned a new page in the cultural life of the Armenian people. In 1935 the art department of the Museum of Armenia was transformed into the Museum of Fine Arts.

 Характеристики книги:

Год выпуска: 1975

Язык издания: Английский

Формат издания: 60x90/8

Оригинальное название: The Art Gallery of Armenia, Erevan

Государственная картинная галерея Армении, Ереван

Тип книги: Букинистика

Издательство: Аврора

Количество страниц: 376