
When it comes to the characters of Jules Verne, there is one character whose liveliness has always seemed particularly noticeable to me and who attracted my attention the most. I am referring to Jean Passepartout from the famous novel “Around the World in Eighty Days". While it is doubtful whether we should (and could) mark specific characters as “positive” or “negative," Passepartout, it seems to me, is pretty close to the former.

First of all, it is authentic. Real people really have weaknesses: even the kindest express anger from time to time, even the most evil ones have something to respect. Such is the character of Verne. Despite the purely positive traits that will be listed below, he is sometimes mistaken. His decision not to reveal the story of the persecution of travelers by Detective Fix, his clumsiness and forgetfulness are the little things that make him human. And this is what causes sympathy among readers. To be deceived by being drugged in an opium den is something you would never expect from a gentleman's assistant in a novel.

But, despite the fact that Passepartout looks ridiculous, he is a loyal comrade. He cares about the feelings of his patron (which is the reason not to disclose the identity of Fix), he accepts any challenge that Mr. Fogg faces. Although the valet is not always smart, he never falls behind passively. It is he who saves Fogg's future love – a beautiful Indian woman named Auda. It is he who manages to unhook the wagons to save people (when he is in America).

And the trait that, in my opinion, is the most important in him as a “positive” character is his unsurpassed liveliness. The situations that Passepartout manages to get into are sometimes incredible, but he always gets away with everything. This is a character who is always on the move, he has a rare level of liveliness, which is both fun and worthy of respect. In particular, one episode: when he dresses up as a clown and performs in a circus to get to the United States. It takes courage and ingenuity to take risks in a situation where you can win or lose. I would say that he is a man who can wear a lot of hats and who has the courage to really ”put on" them all when necessary. And fate repays him for his bravery, because he always manages to catch up with his patron, despite all the obstacles and trials.

In general, Jean Passepartout seems to me to be a sympathetic character for many reasons. His bright personality is contagious with laughter, positivity and deep empathy most of the time. Smart and agile, he is never afraid, but on the contrary, he is always optimistic. He is the complete opposite of his master – the main character. On the contrary, he is active and ardent, closer to the so-called “trickster". It is hardly possible to be the same as him in real life, but it seems to me that Passepartout with all his personality could be an ideal reference point for many readers of Jules Verne - both young and old.

Кузьмина Полина,

студентка 1 курса ГБПОУ ПО Псковский медицинский колледж»

Cyrus Smith

I spent a lot of time with the books. They open a world full of adventures to me. Books of Jules Verne show manners and customs of other countries and continents. Most of all I like «The Mysterious Island». Cyrus Smith is positive and very interesting character. He is well-informed. His mind and patience helped colonists to survive. Thank to his persistence all people at the island achieved prosperity on a desert island. The whole crew trusted Smith. He organized everything very well. Even in the most difficult situations Cyrus found the right solution. I think, it is very important in life of every man.

Власова Екатерина,

обучающая 1 курса (сестринское дело) Псковского медицинского колледжа

Professor Otto Lidenbrock

The famous French writer Jules Verne has created many works on the theme of adventure. His works are filled with interesting facts from many fields of science. One of such works is "Journey to the center of the Earth".

In this novel, not only secrets are attracted, but also realistic, lively characters of the characters and the author's kind humor.

One of the main characters of the work is Professor Otto Lidenbrock from Hamburg. He has a strong character, a hot-tempered temperament, always achieves his goal. He is a very good specialist in his field, besides, he knows many languages. His portrait is an example of realistic skill with a bit of humor.

Professor Otto Lidenbrock is certainly the positive hero of the novel. He has a lively, convincing and colorful image. His indomitable courage during the journey is explained by his boundless devotion to science. For the sake of science, he overcomes many difficulties, suffers thirst, leaving the last sip of water for his nephew.

Гаврилова Алина,

студентка 1 курса 101Б группы ГБПОУ ПО «Псковский медицинский колледж»

Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo is the most unusual and mysterious character in Jules Verne's adventure novels "The Children of Captain Grant", "Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea", "The Mysterious Island". He is disappointed with his life on the land and becomes a hermit living alone at the bottom of the ocean. Nemo is sure that here he will be able to find real freedom and has interest in life.

As far as I know, some people suppose that the Captain is a negative hero, but, I guess, he is not. Why?

Firstly, Nemo is a very clever person as he invents a unique Nautilus submarine. Except for that, the Captain speaks several languages fluently: French, English, German and Latin. Also, he really fond of geography, history and other sciences.

Secondy, he is impressed by masterpieces of literature, poetry, paintings and sculptures which he collected on Nautilus. Nemo even plays musical instruments perfectly.

Moreover, the Captain helps everyone who gets into trouble. For example, he saves the lives of the occupants of Crete from pirates and reports them about a volcanic disaster. This means that the Captain is unselfish and honest.

As a result, Nemo is a positive character. I find him determined and courageous because he doesn't give up living this way, but he tries to benefit the world as he believes that there are kind and sensitive people.

Дмитриева Елизавета,

ученица 10 «А» класса

Муниципального бюджетного общеобразовательного учреждения «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 18 имени Героя Советского Союза генерала армии В.Ф.Маргелова» города Пскова

Дик Сэнд

Одним из лучших приключенческих романов Жюля Верная является «Пятнадцатилетний капитан». Для меня он стал самым интересным, потому что писатель рассказывает о приключениях мальчика Дика Сэнда, который, практически, мой ровесник.

Пятнадцатилетний Дик Сэнд становится капитаном судна «Пилигрим» в силу определенных обстоятельств. Он не побоялся взять на себя ответственность за себя и за пассажиров, начинает руководить взрослыми людьми, учит их корабельному делу и только это помогает им выжить в открытом море. Сначала его команда сомневалась в способностях своего капитана, ведь он был так молод, но со временем они убедились, что он настоящий лидер.

На протяжении всего романа я сопереживала Дику Сэнду и его новым друзьям. Представляла, как тяжело и опасно было им в Африке, когда они все могли или погибнуть, или попасть в рабство. И только настоящая дружба, лидерские качества Дика помогали всем остаться в живых. Даже собака Динго является членом этой бесстрашной команды и остается верной своим друзьям до конца своей жизни. Не только в море, но и на суше Дик оставался капитаном для своей команды.

После прочтения этого романа я еще долго находилась под впечатлением. Представляла, как я вместе с членами команды «Пилигрима» нахожусь в открытом море в шторм, как пробираюсь сквозь джунгли Африки, как мне тяжело, но с такими друзьями мне по плечу любые трудности!

Дровалева  Наталья,

обучающаяся в ГБПОУ ПО «ПМК», 101 А группа