Robert Grant

Jules Verne created many images of positive heroes. All of them are always ready for heroism or sacrifice, they are distinguished by strength, courage, fearlessness and generosity. But each hero also has his own personality. These are representatives of different social  layers, different specialties, different ages, people from different countries. Everyone has their own faith, preferences and interests.

Robert Grant is one of the heroes of the novel and the youngest son of Captain Grant. Brother of Mary Grant. A brave and inquisitive boy. He also went with his wife Glenarvan and his sister in search of his father. While on the Duncan, he wished to learn seamanship. His behavior is commendable, and the lord tells him that he will become a grown man at an age when others are still children. The boy’s courage arouses his admiration and binds him to himself, especially since Glenarvan feels personal responsibility, having agreed, albeit at the insistence of the optimist Paganel, to Robert’s participation in climbing the Andes, which he was unable to do.

Орлова Елизавета,

студентка группы 105В 1 курса Псковского медицинского колледжа

Новые герои нового типа романа Жюля Верна

Новому типу романа, введенному в литературу Жюлем Верном, соответствовал также и новый герой: пытливый исследователь, инженер, путешественник, изобретатель, ученый, готовый ради достижения почти невозможной цели совершить любой подвиг, пойти на любую жертву. Его стремления определяются не узко-эгоистическими расчетами, как у большинства героев буржуазной литературы, а интересами куда более широкими и общественно-значимыми. Мужественные, благородные, свободолюбивые герои Жюля Верна не знают корысти и лицемерия. Их высокие моральные качества раскрываются в действиях, утверждающих отвагу дерзаний, непримиримость в борьбе.

Часто у Жюля Верна повторяются типовые характеристики и отдельные сюжетные положения. Но даже при наличии явного сходства родственных персонажей каждому из них присущи индивидуальные особенности, своеобразные черты характера.

Во многих романах встречается образ чудака-ученого, самоотверженного фанатика науки, неприспособленного к практической жизни и вследствие этого часто попадающего в смешные и нелепые положения. И доктор Клоубонни («Капитан Гаттерас»), и Жак Паганель («Дети капитана Гранта»), и кузен Бенедикт («Пятнадцатилетний капитан»), и Зефирен Ксирдаль («В погоне за метеором») и многие другие персонажи, варьирующие этот образ, — и похожи и не похожи друг на друга. Каждый из них обрисован настолько ярко, что запоминается на всю жизнь. 

Ефименко Арина

Псковский медицинский колледж

Группа 105 В

Captain Nemo

In national and foreign works there are many examples of positive literary heroes who, thanks to the purity of their souls and benevolent intentions, are the pearl of the narrative. I would like to tell about one such literary hero in my essay. This is the hero of the works of Jules Verne "The Mysterious Island" and "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" Captain Nemo. Captain Nemo has experienced many hardships of life, and therefore has become a very multifaceted and ambiguous character. Nemo is a talented scientist, engineer and ocean explorer, as well as versed in art. He is an artist, a connoisseur of music, who created the Nautilus — a fantastic underwater ship. His Nautilus contains real masterpieces of literature, poetry, authentic paintings and sculptures of great masters. Nemo speaks many languages of the world: he knows at least French, English, German and Latin perfectly. Nemo is a mystery man. The hero's name is also symbolic - meaning "Nobody" in Latin. His past is shrouded in mystery, his conflict with society, which led to the final escape from the world, is the cause of spiritual loneliness and the bond with the mighty nature — all this gives the appearance of the captain the features of a romantic hero. Pride, determination, iron will, detachment — and mercy, the ability to express feelings violently, a lively interest in everything get along in him. Despite the plot completeness of the novels of Jules Verne, the complex personality and fate of Captain Nemo can’t be described to the end, so his image is often used by many interpreters to this day. Although sometimes Nemo appears in the works of Jules Verne as a tough, harsh and even cruel character, life, people and his difficult fate have made him such. Only in the last chapters of the novel "The Mysterious Island" does the author shed light on the mystery of Nemo, who turns out to be the omnipresent patron of the island on which the events described unfold. Nemo saved the lives of the inhabitants of the island, who, not knowing to whom they owed their lives, relied on him as providence. Nemo is an outstanding personality, thirsting for justice, despite the persecution and human malice in the world around him, he boldly led an uprising against the British in his homeland and after many years, he finds in himself the moral forces that move him to mercy and compassion.

We can definitely say that Captain Nemo is one of the most multifaceted and interesting literary characters. For me, as for many other readers and for Jules Verne himself, Nemo is the embodiment of a true hero, noble, courageous, resolute and just.

Музычина Ева,

студентка 105Б группы  ГБПОУ ПО «Псковский медицинский колледж»

Jean Passepartout

I think that Passepartout from “Around the World in 80 Days” can be considered a positive character. He always finds the positives in every situation. Even when he is imprisoned in Gibraltar, he faces the beginning of his journey around
the world with courage and optimism. His enthusiasm and desire to experience new adventures infects not only his comrades but also the readers of the novel. Overall, Jean Passepartout is one of the most compelling characters in the
novel “Around the World in 80 Days”. His authenticity and incongruity make him close and familiar to the reader, and his loyalty and optimism evoke sympathy and admiration.

He is a loyal friend and trusted companion to the protagonist Phileas Fogg, ready to overcome any hardship and overcome any obstacle with him. Thanks to his enthusiasm and cheerful character, he becomes an indispensable member of the team, able to overcome any difficulties and find positive solutions. Thus, the character of Jean Passepartout from Jules Verne's novel “Around the World in Eighty Days” is an attractive and interesting character who personifies authenticity, loyalty and optimism. His absurdities and mistakes make him human, while his loyalty and ability to overcome challenges make him an indispensable member of the team. Passepartout is a character with whom the reader can certainly empathize and sympathize.

Семёнова Полина,

Псковский медицинский колледж, 1 курс, группа 101б

Cyrus Smith

I believe that the positive hero is Cyrus Smith from the novel "The Mysterious Island". Cyrus Smith, an engineer by profession, a native of Massachusetts, was a first-class scientist. During the war, the United States government entrusted him with the management of railroads of particular strategic importance. Outwardly, Cyrus Smith looked like a real North American. He was a thin, bony and gaunt man of about forty-five with short-cropped hair, which was already glistening with gray; Cyrus Smith did not wear a beard, leaving only a thick mustache. His face was distinguished by its stern beauty and expressive profile, his eyes were filled with energy and seemed to burn with fire, and a smile very rarely appeared on his stern lips. In a word, it was the appearance of a real scientist, endowed with the spirit of a warrior. Cyrus Smith was one of those engineers who voluntarily, at the very beginning of their careers, handled hammer and pick, like generals who began their service as privates. That is why Cyrus Smith, endowed by nature with exceptional ingenuity and sharpness of mind, also had very skillful and dexterous hands. He was very brave and strong, I value these qualities in people.

Иванова Ульяна,

студентка I курса 101Б группы ГБПОУ ПО «Псковский медицинский колледж»