Капитан Немо

Созданные Жюлем Верном герои отличаются между собой не только характерами, но и нравственными качествами.

Одним из положительных героев Жюль Верна можно считать капитана Немо из романа "20 000 лье под водой". Несмотря на свою загадочность и часто таинственное поведение, капитан Немо обладает глубоким чувством справедливости и сострадания к другим людям. Он создал на борту своей подводной лодки Наутилус прекрасный мир, где убежище находят пленники и отвергнутые обществом. Он также борется против рабства и эксплуатации, причиняя ущерб тем, кто считает себя выше закона. Вместе с тем, капитан Немо является эрудированным и любознательным человеком, готовым всегда поделиться своими знаниями с окружающими.

Костюшко Марина,  

ученица 81 группы Псковского технического лицея

Dick Sand

The plots of the adventure novels of J. Verne are filled with a lot of adventures and extraordinary events.

The writer's novels are full of a large number of interesting episodes where the hero is constantly threatened with death but saves himself unexpectedly. The last thing J. Verne's heroes dream of is fame, wealth, or money.

The novel “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” was no exception, in which Verne describes different countries, seas, and continents, glorifying the love of freedom, humanity, and loyalty of the heroes.

The schooner Pilgrim set sail from New Zealand, heading for the Pacific coast of South America.

After the crash, Dick Sand, along with the passengers of the schooner Pilgrim, ended up in Angola, where the heroes were forced to overcome many difficulties.

They had to make their way through jungles and marshy swamps, hide from a thunderstorm, and walk through the desert. They were captured by slave traders and fled. They sailed on a pirogue along the Congo River and the Atlantic Ocean, and they met with many more dangers. In wild, uninhabited places, they did not have to count on an abundance of food, so they were forced to hunt and fish. Their courage was repeatedly put to various tests.

Dick Sand, for example, fought with a lion and overcame a stormy current on a pirogue, risking running into pitfalls. The hero did not lose his courage, realising that salvation depended only on himself.

The heroes of the novel travel through horrors and mortal danger, but everything ends happily. These are ordinary people who are characterised by humanity and justice. They are capable of overcoming difficulties and dangers for the sake of saving others. These are spiritually rich people, and the future is behind such people.

Кулик Кристина,


1 курс

Captain Nemo
















Ларионова Ирина, 

учащаяся 1 курса  101 А группы

Государственного бюджетного профессионального образовательного учреждения Псковской области «Псковский медицинский колледж"

Captain Nemo

Павлова Софья 71 группа часть 2

Павлова Софья 71 группа часть 3













 Павлова Софья, ученица 71 группы Псковского технического лицея

Captain  Nemo. Claudius Bombarnac

Who of Jules Verne's book characters can be considered as positive and why?
Jules Verne created a new type of literary character. At the same time he was a researcher, an engineer, a traveler and a scientist who was ready to do anything to achieve his goal.
Captain  Nemo from "Twenty thousand leagues under the Sea" is an Indian man Darker. All his life he fights against British colonies which captured his motherland. He has got treasures but he has no need of them. Darker gives everything he has to his compatriots, who try to lay down the chains of slavery.

Claudius Bombarnac is a French journalist from "Claudius Bombarnac" who describes the Russians and his impression about this nation, in his own dairy. The Russians are depicted there as kind, friendly, helpful and hard-working people. The journalist wants to see the Caucasians too and admire their famous folk dancings, which are popular among the tourists. Also, he writes about a nice man, whose name is Popov. He is a head of the train. This person can listen to carefully and share some information in return.
Except pretty good images of male hero's, Jules Vern, created great women is images too. His heroines do not give into men in courage and nobleness. In author's works we can see young people who have got strong character and bravery.

Jules Verne's figures have similar characters, but it does not make them bad. All of them have got good treats such as sense of purpose, diligence and are fans of their ideas and dreams.

Квантидзе Анастасия,

учащаяся ГБПОУ ПО «Псковский медицинский колледж», 1 курс, группа 105 «В»